Nutrition & Detoxification

The Center for Energy Medicine can transform your life. Research reveals that chemicals found in our body disrupts our immune, endocrine, nervous and reproductive systems.

38,304 chemicals are registered for use in the U.S. Some of these harmful toxins are found in our food; our water supply; the air we breathe; medicines; substances we ingest and in other products we use on a daily basis.

While our miraculous bodies are designed to release harmful toxins through our breath, skin, lymph system, urinary and bowel functions, it is possible for our body’s natural defenses to become overwhelmed.

The perfect time for a purification plan is now.

The 21-Day Purification Program is designed to rid the body of stored toxins. The cleanse helps rebuild the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, and digestive elimination systems. With the help of these properly functioning organs, your toxic load can decrease, thus allowing your body to concentrate its energy on purification and weight loss.

This program focuses on the whole person, educating the individual about making better food and beverage choices, taking whole food supplements, reducing stress, and increasing exercise. The Purification Program is more than a diet. It encourages patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle, which, in turn, helps them look and feel better.

The Center for Energy Medicine provides an all-in-one purification guide that describes the program and offers features such as an FAQ section; a tear-off shopping list; program-friendly shake; recipes, and a daily intake journal.

Schedule your herbal consultation with Dr. Deutsch at The Center for Energy Medicine today!

Our Purification Plan Can Help You:
Feel the best you have felt in a long time.
>Get more restful sleep
>Lose 8 to 12 pounds and keep it off
>Lower your blood sugar and insulin levels
>Reduce fat cells
>Reduce your cardiovascular risk
>Get your blood pressure under control
>Lower your VLDL and LDL cholesterol
>Elevate your HDL cholesterol
>Reduce your risk of cancer
>Reduce inflammation
>Support growth hormone production