Heart health is essential. The heart beats 100,000 times a day; 35 million times a year; and estimated 2.5 billion times over the average lifetime (Harvard, 2022).
Another fact to consider is the lifespan discrepancy between men and women. Women are consistently living 5 years longer than men. Today, the lifecycle, on average, is reportedly 70 years for men and 75 years for women (Worldometer, 2022).
Research indicates that inflammation is the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes (John Hopkins Medicine, 2022). Since inflammation is a response to illness or injury, we can hone in on other seemingly non-related symptoms.
Here are some early warning signs of heart health challenges:
>Erectile Dysfunction
>Low Blood Oxygen
>Pain in the Left Arm
>Chest Pains
>Shortness of Breath
The Center for Energy Medicine progressively treats heart health matters, while promoting preventative strategies. For your heart health concerns, contact us today to improve your quality of life.