The practice of acupuncture as a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a mainstay of the healing arts in China for over 2,500 years. For centuries, acupuncture has been proven to produce consistent and effective healing results for many of the ailments afflicting mankind.
Acupuncture is based on the flow of life force energy, or Qi (chee), through pathways mapped throughout the body known as meridians. When physical or emotional trauma restricts or blocks this flow of energy, the result can be pain, illness or disease.
Acupuncture treatments focus on correcting the imbalance of energy flow and restoring the body’s energy to homeostasis.
Using ultra-thin needles targeted at specific meridians points, clears blocked energy and restoring the body’s natural balance. As a result, endorphins are released to control pain, allowing the body to essentially heal itself.
Dr. Dharam Singh Deutsch at The Center for Energy Medicine has mastered the unique ability to administer acupuncture treatments with or without the use of needles. Through placement of the practitioners hands on the targeted meridian points, needle-free acupuncture is possible, with optimal results of releasing pain, energetic blockages, and increasing energy.
For all your needle-free acupuncture needs, schedule your appointment at The Center for Energy Medicine.